Wednesday 7, May 2014
In Polydia 1.2, shape styles add the feature of default aspect ratio and size settings. What this means is that when you create a new shape, it will use the aspect ratio and size default from the shape style rather than the one-size-fits-all default size used in previous releases. This is quite useful for many types of diagrams where different shapes should have consistent dimensions, or perhaps only aspect ratios, within a document. While every effort has been made to make this transition as painless as possible, it does mean there are some changes you will notice:
- The existing 'Width=Height' setting goes away and is replaced by a more versatile 'Fixed aspect ratio' setting with the 'Match fill image' becoming a sub-option when enabled and there is a fill image.
- This will not change anything in your existing documents until you begin to make changes to the default size and aspect ratio settings, but templates have been modified to provide some hopefully useful defaults for various diagram types going forward.
- There is now a setting (Overflow menu->Settings) to 'Resize on style change'. When enabled, changing the style of an unlocked shape results in it being resized to the default dimensions for that style. When disabled, the shape size will not change until you manually resize it. This setting is enabled by default.
- The style aspect ratio and size are set from an existing shape, rather than setting it directly in the style: resize any shape that uses the style you want set the size and aspect ratio for, open the shape properties, and tap the 'Set size as style default' button. There will be a confirmation dialog that also allows you to resize all other shapes in the document using the same style which provides a quick way to resize everything to a consistent size.