Polydia is a style-based diagram editor for Android. It is general purpose and can be used for many types of diagrams and graphs including: flow charts, mind maps, block diagrams, org charts, network diagrams, web site maps, Venn diagrams, data flow diagrams and others for business and personal needs.
The primary goals driving the design of Polydia are to:
- Provide a highly dynamic and interactive user interface which allows you to get things done quickly.
- Keep tablets in mind from the very beginning while still providing the best possible experience when running on a phone.
- Take advantage of recent releases of Android hardware and software.
Features include:
- Thumbnail-based launch screen that visually helps you find the document you're looking for
- A variety of shapes including: square/rectangle/diamond, circle/ellipse, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon and other common diagram shapes
- Shapes that can be filled and/or stroked
- Filled and stroked connectors with multiple routing options
- Images from your gallery can be imported for use as fills and paints
- Linear and radial gradient fills
- Most properties of your shapes and connectors can be changed
- A diagram of virtually unlimited size can be zoomed and panned
- Font support includes variable sizes, bold/italic/underline/strikethrough, text shadows, horizontal and vertical alignment
- PNG and SVG export are supported (if you have apps supporting either, Polydia can share with them)
- Innovative color picker allowing the use of transparency just about anywhere
- Basic painting (using photos / pictures imported from your gallery) and drawing (using styles) capabilities
- Selecting multiple objects allowing for cut/copy/paste and movement

Diagram templates currently supplied:
- Style templates: block, empty, flowchart, network & computers (2 different icon sets), org chart, BPMN
- Structural templates: Venn diagrams (4 types for 2 or 3 sets in color or black and white), Euler diagram (4 sets), Euler (6 set subsets)
The main difference between structural and style templates is that structural templates provide a simple 'diagram maker' functionality where part of the diagram is pre-built where appropriate.
For support, please go to Overflow menu -> About -> Feedback and email your questions... the account is monitored and requests replied to. Answering support questions in the Play store is difficult due to replies being limited to 350 characters.
Requires Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3) or greater.
Announcements related to Polydia can be found on the
To see samples of how the app looks and the type of output it can produce, check out the online galleries of Polydia
screenshots and
Requires Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3) or greater.
You can either
click this
link to the android market or scan the QR code below: